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employee onboarding process flow

New Employee Onboarding Process: Checklist and Tips

The recruitment drive ends with hiring a new employee to the office. The next few processes are very much important for a smooth transition of the employee into the organization’s work environment.

A new employee always has some apprehension while going to a new workplace. The onboarding should be done in such a way that one feels easy enough to approach their new job community members.

How does Employee Onboarding Process help new employees?

A properly executed Onboarding Process brings a positive vibe to the recruit. The Onboarding process may seem a bit more on the part of the employer. But, the improvements it brings are worth more than the efforts poured in.

This move brings in improved job performance, higher working efficiency, and better job satisfaction. This further ensures a better interactive engagement within your workforce community and a higher retention percentage among the employees.

An organized onboarding process is the key to all these benefits. Affix the best employee onboarding process flow into the process to achieve the most out of it. See to it that nothing is skipped. To help you with your employee’s onboarding process, we have noted down the Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist which you might include in your process.

The Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist

1. Pre-boarding checklist

Before the joining of the employee, there are certain aspects that need to be covered for ease on the employee’s part as well as the employer’s part before the new hire starts working.

  • Mail your employee a welcome email. This mail should contain a warming welcoming message. Further, it should provide all details such as the joining date, timing & location, contact person, documents to be brought, etc.
  • Mail your current employees about the recruit with details regarding their department and post. Ask them to join in welcoming the new employee.
  • Prepare all the needed equipment and accessories to set the employee’s office or table.

2. Day One checklist

The majority of the onboarding processes happen on the day of the employee’s joining. Plan this day properly so that there is no issue in transitioning your new employee without any hiccup.

  • Welcome the employee and introduce them to all the other employees. Give them a tour around the workplace.
  • Complete all HR paperwork and Discuss work policies, safety procedures, code of conduct, and fill up the necessary forms.
  • Settle all the needed accessories such as stationery, etc. Provide them proper credentials such as system login, Bioprint, etc. Team up with the IT dept for all the basic server signatories and IT related facilities.
  • After settling all their paperwork and office setup, arrange a meeting with the Firm Head or CEO for an interaction. This will allow them to understand the vision, mission, and goal of the company first hand. Also, it will give an insight into their working goals alongside the company goals.
  • Arrange a meeting with their reporting supervisor. Easing into an interaction will help in reducing any awkwardness or any hiccups from the employee’s side and merge smoothly into the company working environment and their job role.
  • Link them to a peer mentor. This is a good tactic to help them grow faster with fewer blockades.

3. First-week checklist

Now that all the stage is set, all that you need to do is to understand whether they have any issues or any special needs to be taken care of.

  • Keep an eye on them to help them through any transitioning issues. This is needed as many a time what happens is a new employee might not speak out about some trifling issues which might become troublesome at a later date.
  • Arrange meetings with them daily to know how they are setting in. Also, arrange meetings with the other teams with which they need to constantly work.
  • Provide any special training if need be as per the company’s rules and regulations. This includes software training, safety training, or any special training needed to do the work efficiently and safely.
  • See to it that they participate well in any extracurricular activities.

4. 1st, 3rd, 6th & 12th-month checklist

Within a week or two, an employee synergizes with the major workforces, merging with the company’s working environment. The checklists after a week mostly focus on the employee’s progress.

  • Check on the Onboarding survey progress. Be in touch with the employee weekly for any assistance. This frequency will automatically decrease as a month passes and the employee syncs with everyone around them.
  • Check out the employees’ progress and take a review about them from the people around them especially their reporting supervisor and immediate ‘neighbors’.

The above checklist will help you arrange an ideal one for your easy work. The basics are always about helping them easily warm up to their job profile and to see how efficiently they work.

Also, Read Top 10 Common Hiring Mistakes Employers Make and How to Avoid Them

Check Out Some New Employee Onboarding Tips

1. Properly maintain resources needed for Onboarding

Onboarding requires many resources. See to it that you are prepared for all the basic requirements. The basic props which might help for a smooth Onboarding process are a Hierarchical Chart, Employee directory, Work area map, a compilation of all the policies and procedures, etc.

2. Impart Onboarding process to the manager

As an HR, you are just a link between the employee and their department of working. The concerned manager needs to be fully aware of all processes. This will help in aligning the whole process smoothly.

This is because the managers need to be aware of how long will it take till the individual is ready for taking on the duties. Also, see to the proper distribution of work between HR people involved for a hiccup-free Onboarding.

3. Ask for feedbacks

Taking opinions helps the individual feel that they are taken as an important resource of the office and that they are well valued. Also, such feedbacks will help you understand how can you make your strategy more effective.

Space the feedback such that you give them enough gap to have an understanding of all that is happening around them. Some things need more time to come to their mind while working and can’t be immediately be grasped as soon as they join.

Wrapping Up

The onboarding process is quite a critical aspect of the hiring process. The smoother this process is the higher chance of early engaging the employee in the work. This process also helps in creating an image in the mind of the employee which will later play a major role in helping the company retain such valuable employees.

Understand your companies working process and try to bring more strategies that will help you reach out to your new recruits with ease. Keep innovating and bringing in creative employee onboarding ideas to keep the excitement and the engagement on.

Neil Thomas

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